TF Practice Tool

Project Details

  • Category : Game Development
  • Language : C#
  • Genre: 2D Strategy Practice Tool
  • Engine: Unity
  • Collaboration : Solo

TF practice Tool is a tool to practice building team compositions for Riot's Teamfight Tactics game. The game features the ability to buy, sell, drag, drop, combine, and see which traits are active. The tool also uses Riot's Champion pool sizes and probabilites for the most accurate experience. I created this tool to practice building team compositions because I did not have the time to play the game due to my busy schedule. I am able to play this on my mobile device and practice during commutes. In order to achieve high performace, all of my scripts do NOT use any update function. Each player action is called once and updated on call. There is also a live timer and gold counter to help me monitor gold and speed. All intellectual property belongs to Riot games and the tool is for my private use.

  • Please excuse the low frame rate. I have a very weak laptop with poor recording capabilites.